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Showing posts from November, 2014

Umbraco Mapper with Nested Archetypes

Following a previous blog post I got a comment asking about dealing with mapping nested Archetypes to a view model using Umbraco Mapper . As I noted in response, it's not that straightforward - the flexibility of the Archetype package means really you have to build something fairly custom for your particular type you are mapping to. Rather than squeeze too much into a comment though, thought the topic worth a post in itself. As before, looking for a simple example, I've modelled a football match but I've changed it a little to use a nested Archetype. There's a top-level type that contains a single field set to which a text field and two nested score types can be added. The score type has fields for the team and the score. From the content editor's perspective it looks like this: I'm looking to map this to a view model that looks like this: public class FootballMatch { public FootballMatch() { Scores = new List

Using Umbraco Mapper with the Umbraco Grid

Like most people in the Umbraco community I've been keen to download and have a play with Umbraco 7.2, released in beta last week. There's a lot of new features, but the shiniest new toy is without doubt the grid. This allows a developer to set up a very flexible interface for the editor to manage their content in a layout that closely reflects what they'll see on the website. When it comes to rendering out the content of the grid, it's very simple. In your view you can just make a call to CurrentPage.GetGridHtml("myGridAlias") and this will spit out the HTML wrapped with bootstrapped elements. You can pass in overrides to use a different template, and create your own. Nothing wrong with this at all but my preferred approach when rendering out Umbraco content is to create strongly typed view models and, via a hijacked route, map the Umbraco content to this model with the help of the Umbraco Mapper package . Once done, this provides a very clean vie