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Showing posts from November, 2018

Azure Table Storage Batch Insert Within Operations Limit

When working with Azure Table Storage and needing to bulk insert a number of records, it's more efficient and reliable to do so by inserting a batch of records in one step, rather than one at a time. On a recent project we've been using table storage as a location to record the log for an import operation migrating information from one content management system into another. As each field was imported a couple of log lines of information were recorded - which were useful for auditing and debugging. Rather than inserting each log line as it was generated, we've batched them up, and then loaded them into table storage in the finally part of a try/catch that sits around the import logic. In this way, we store all the log information in one go. For a few imports though, we found this error being recorded in the application logs: Error processing message, message: An error has occurred. Exception message: The maximum number of operations allowed in one batch has been

Pluralsight Course: Azure Custom Vision Service

Over the past few months I've been working on authoring a first course for Pluralsight on the topic of the Custom Vision Service , part of the Cognitive Services suite provided by Microsoft and hosted on Azure. It was released a couple of days ago, and those with subscriptions or a free trial, can access it here: