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Showing posts from January, 2018

Queue based load levelling using Azure Functions

On a current project I've been looking to employ a cloud design pattern known as queue based load levelling , and to implement it using Azure storage components and functions. The Queue based load levelling pattern The pattern is useful in a range of situations where there's a need for timely and reliable integration between different software systems. In short, the pattern utilises a queue service as a buffer for messages from one system to the other, allowing them to be passed to the destination system for processing in a controlled manner, and at a rate that won’t overwhelm available resources. It can be adopted where one software system must send messages to another but for various reasons we want to avoid a direct connection between the two. One good reason we might want to do this is simply to reduce coupling – the two systems will need to agree on a message format, but ideally we don’t want to tie them to each other’s implementation details any further than that.